
An Interview with the Artist

I found a great service provided by "WhoHub" and I highly recommend it for artists, writers, chefs, and more. They've done a great job of preparing a "canned" interview - well concieved questions that take some time to answer, but create a worthy picture of the subject matter; YOU.

Here's mine. (In progress) http://www.whohub.com/andreaboff


American Cirque - Sketch Spread from the Moleskine

Working on the American Cirque series - learning the "ropes" and how I want to present the acts. I sketch the to pick up the subtleties of what it means to be an acrobat.


Memory Lane: Drawings from Highschool

I was going through some old boxes due to extreme cabin fever, 38" of snow on the ground, 2 blizzards in 5 days, and near insanity. I found these 2 drawings that I did in High School (40 years ago) and I snorted involuntarily. Out loud. So I thought I would share them here on the blog. Yikes!


"Clowns fall all the time" Spread from Moleskine

American Cirque - The Challenge of the First Graphic Novel

This is the hardest thing I ever did. The story has to be great, the drawings, the scenes, argggh! I didn't anticipate this. But the challenge is envigorating. So finally, I have come up with the "hero" in the story. And the first sketches are starting to take shape. His name is Lladro. So far.

From the Moleskine - American Cirque

Man on the Train


Acrobat - American Cirque

The Acrobats are balancers - they are contstantly trying to stay erect while the ground shakes and shifts. That's a metaphoric role they play in American Cirque.


"California Stars" By Andrea Boff

Did this in San Francisco - a world shaped by the culture of the farm, vineyard, and technology startup. The combination makes for a very celebratory approach to life.

"Game" by Andrea Boff

When I first moved back to the East Coast from California I was delighted to see these intense inner city scenes. I missed the compact neighborhoods of the East Coast. My work shifted from paintings in vineyards to paintings from school yards.


Lady Philly -

She is the personification of the City of Philadelphia... strong, woman of color, sassy, beautiful. In my American Cirque series I am finding a face for every state in the union - they are hanging on my studio walls like an audience to the 3 ring circus of my life.